


Textbook এর বই সমূহ:

প্রমিত বাংলা উচ্চারণ অভিধান

ড. রতন সিদ্দিকী

Price: 400 BDT

Speak English Through Grammatical Process

Imrul Hasan Chowdhury

Price: 300 BDT

Sons And Lovers

D. H. Lawrence

Price: 295 BDT


উইলিয়াম শেক্সপিয়ার

Price: 130 BDT

The Oldman And The Sea

Ernest Hemingway

Price: 150 BDT

Choosing The Right Preposition

S M Amanullah

Price: 125 BDT

Five Minute Biographies

Dale Carnegie

Price: 90 BDT

The Adventures Of Huckleberry Finn

Mark Twain

Price: 225 BDT


Forhad Hossain Masum

Price: 300 BDT

Wuthering Heights

Emily Bronte

Price: 150 BDT

Choosing the Right Words

S M Amanullah

Price: 75 BDT

Robinson Crusoe

Daniel Defoe

Price: 133 BDT

A Tale Of Two Cities

Charles Dickens

Price: 295 BDT

Jane Eyre

Charlotte Bronte

Price: 250 BDT

Moby Dick Or The Whale

Herman Melville

Price: 299 BDT

The Adventures Of Huckleberry Finn

Mark Twain

Price: 125 BDT

Mrs Dalloway

Virginia Woolf

Price: 120 BDT

Oliver Twist

Charles Dickens

Price: 195 BDT

Albatross Dictionary of Grammatical Terms

Prof Jahrul Islam

Price: 75 BDT

Choosing the Right Collocation

S M Amanullah

Price: 99 BDT